ProStructures Help

Modify Meshes Toolbox

The Modify Meshes toolbox contains tools to perform boolean operations on mesh elements and to change existing mesh elements in various ways.

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

To Select in the Modify Meshes toolbox
Construct a mesh element from the union of two or more existing mesh elements.

Mesh Unite
Construct a mesh element at the intersection of two or more existing mesh elements.

Mesh Intersect
Construct a mesh element by subtracting one existing mesh element from another.

Mesh Subtract
Stitch two or more shapes into a mesh element or two mesh elements into one mesh element.

Stitch Into Mesh
Split a mesh element into separate parts.

Split Mesh
Modify facets of a mesh element by adding a vertex, deleting a vertex, swapping an edge of a facet, or by splitting facets.

Modify Facets
Trim, imprint, or impose an open or closed profile onto a mesh element.

Mesh Project
Reduce the number of facets in a mesh element.

Decimate Mesh
Subdivide a mesh to produce a smoother result.

Subdivision Mesh
Change the orientation of each face in a mesh and any associated normal.
Change Mesh Normal
Delete one or more facets from a mesh element.

Delete Mesh Facet
Modify a selected portion of a mesh element by dragging a selected set of control points.

Drag Mesh
Modify a selected portion of a mesh element by dragging a selected set of control points.

Drag Mesh Facets